Artist Submissions

Image Submission Guidelines

Image Conscious welcomes submissions of artwork for consideration by our publishing committee. Please review the guidelines below.

Submitting Your Artwork

Image Conscious is always seeking original artwork for publication. Our publishing team meets regularly to review submissions sent by artists and their agents. We will review your submission and respond to you in about a week.

Our team evaluates all submissions for their appeal as wall decor or product placement. Before calling or submitting images, we strongly suggest that you conduct your own research by browsing this or similar web sites. We are continuously looking for fresh ideas that focus on current styles and subjects that are popular for today’s home decor trends.

Submit your images via email and include either a link to your website, or email 10 to 20 jpegs. Please keep your jpeg files in manageable size — less than one megabyte per image — preferably around 500 KB. Images of around 900px on the long side are generally sufficient for submission.

Artists are compensated on a straight percentage basis, based on sales.

Send submissions to:
Jan Weiss
Creative Director
Image Conscious
147 Tenth Street
San Francisco, CA 94103