Create a New Account
From the homepage, click the “Log In!” button:
Under “Register”, enter your email address and then create a password. Your password needs to be at least 9 characters long and contain at least one number (0123456789) and one special character (like !@#$%^&”?):
Click the “Register” button and you’ll be taken to the “My Account” page. With your new account, you can log in from any computer or mobile device to view and edit your collections.
Create Your First Collection
From the menu bar at the top of the page, click “Collections.”
When you’re on the “Collections” page, click the “Create a New Collection” button:
On the next page, you can name your collection and add a description. By adding your name and email address (optional), you can collaborate on your new collection with your account representative. When finished, click the “Create Collection” button.
You’ve created your first collection!
Add Images to Your Collection
When viewing images throughout the website, look for the “Add to collection” plus signs:
When you click on “Add to collection,” you’ll see a list of your previously created collections, or you can click the button to create a new collection:
Add the image to a collection by clicking the collection name. You won’t be taken away from the page that you’re already on, so you can continue to add items without having to navigate back.
Manage Your Collection
From the menu bar, click “Collections.”
Beneath each collection name, you’ll see options to “Delete” or “Preview” your collection, or “Share with Friends” by email, Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. (Sharing options don’t appear if your collection is empty):
To manage a collection, click the collection name, or click “Manage this Collection.”
Near the top of the “Manage Collections” page you’ll see the URL address for your collection, which you can copy and send to your co-workers or clients. With this address, they’ll be able to view your collection, but not make changes to it:
Beneath the “Sharing” options, you’ll see the “Download” options. Select “CSV Data File” to download a comma-delimited spreadsheet file containing the related data for your collection, like artists, titles, and more. Select “Images” to download a zipped folder containing jpegs of your entire collection:
Choose “Settings” to rename your collection, change its description, or change its sharing options by adding or removing your name and email address.
To make changes to the images in your collection, click the checkbox next to every image you would like to affect, then use the “Actions”pulldown menu to remove the images from the collection, move them to another collection, or create a new collection containing the selected images. Click “Apply Action” to complete your changes:
You can also delete an image from your collection by clicking its red “Delete” button:
That’s It!
For more help with using our website, please contact your account representative or give us a call at (800) 532-2333.